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Starseeds - What they are and most common types?

Sep 24

6 min read




So you took a dive down the spiritual rabbit hole and discovered the term starseed or perhaps you listened to my podcast with The Spiritual Sisters. Whichever way I welcome you here.

Starseeds are souls that did not originate from earth. If you're new to a galatic presence in spirituality you're probably thinking "what?". Starseeds souls originated in a different galaxy or star system.

Starseeds are generally old souls who have lived many different lives with a lot of lives being outside of our homey little earth and sometimes even our Galaxy. There is a lot to Galactic History and this can be even more difficult to find than Starseed types, but again I’m here to break it down simply for you. 

Signs that you may be a starseed often include:

  • Feeling like you’re homesick, but often for a place you don’t know.

  • A deep interest in the stars, cosmos, or science fiction. 

    • Are there star systems you feel unconsciously drawn to?

  • A sense you don’t truly belong here.

    • Starseeds can have a hard time integrating on Earth for a variety of reasons. A large reason is that their previous homes were in higher dimensions. Earth is in the 3D which can have a density uncommon to these elevated dimensions.

So why are they here? Well in a nutshell starseeds offer the following to Earth:

  • Expand consciousness

  • Raise the frequency to 5D, Earth plunged into the 3D after the fall of Lemuria

  • Be of service to bring in enlightenment (Age of Aquarius)

Today we have the highest concentration of starseeds at any point on earth after Lemuria and Atlantis.

Before we get into the different types of starseeds we are going to briefly talk about Earth and origins stroy of Lemuria and Atlantis.

Earth was modeled after galatic civilizations in the Pleiades, Sirius, and Andromeda and is also known to be the living library.


Lemuria was founded first around 71,933BC and sat in the Indo-Pacific Ocean. Lemuria was a beautiful society that embodied mother goddess consciouness. Those starseeds (mainly Arcturian and Andromedan ET groups) colonized Lemuria and ultimately grew the collective colonies to include Lyrans, Sirirus A, Pleaides, and Ursa Minor. It was a magical culture had a focus on spirituality, healing, consciousness, explored dreamtime, inter-dimensional and astral travel. If you have a fondness when you hear the name Lemuria it is possible you spent time in this civilization.


Atlantis was founded by the Pleiadians and a few other star groups in 57,600BC. The focus of Altantis centered around spirituality and father-god consciousness and a representation of father-god consciousness. It was the pinnacle for the divine masculine template. Atlantis is believed to have been near Europe and Africa in the Altantic Ocean.

Atlantis & Lemuria

For some time there was peace between Lemuria and Atlantis. However, after the fall of Maldek, a planet that used to orbit between Mars and Jupiter, negative factions from Maldek and Orion infiltrated the positive government of Atlantis. It was after this they began to incite wars with Lemuria. Lemuria being a civilization more focused on the esoteric versus technological did not stand a chance and ultimarely was destroyed by Atlantis in 31,017BC. It was at this time the eart plunged from 5D to the 3D.

Atlanteans continued to wage civil wars amongst themselves until their own fall in 27,603BC. Those Atlanteans lucky to survive resettled in Egpyt and created a new civilization there. It is thought that many of the souls that have reincarnated in the United States have done so to rework their karma from their Atlantean life.

Now that you have a bit of context of starseeds, raising earth's vibration and their reason for coming (outside of earth being a really difficult lesson where soul growth is tremendous.)

Let's dive in!

Below are some of the more popular starseeds that often come up in a reading. I want to preface even if you did not originate from one of the star systems there is a high likelihood you have had lives and spend time in these! Which can often reflect in your aura. 

  • Lyran 

    • This planet had both humanoids and felines (think large bipedal cats). It is also where human consciousness began. Lyrans were beautiful beings living in high vibration and lived harmonously with their land. Unfortunately, they were attacked and slaughtered by the Dracos during a deceiving trade agreement. Many Lyrans retain soul trauma from the event.

    • It was modeled for divine masculine energy where they enjoyed the physicality of things. They loved nature, very connected to their “Home”, loves to use their hands in the sense of gardening, working with earth. This mimics in their earthly lives too.

    • Their aura's are mainly pinkish with violet elements and especially related to the solar plexus chakra. Pinkish w/ violet elements.

    • They're known for having an open heart chakra, very trusting, childlike energy, loves fairies, unicorns, dragons, and have feline qualities. 

    • Key description words - ingenuity, survivor, pure heart, flexibility, physical expression

  • Vega - Blue beings similar to hindu gods

    • Vegans were blue beings similar to hindu gods. It was divine feminine goddess consciousness and they have incredible healing energy

    • Their aura is light blue and is more calm and gentler than their sister planet Lyra.

    • Key description words - insightful, spiritual, healer,

  • Sirian -

    • Sirius has three planets within its star system listed below:

      • Sirius A - Yellow/Brown aura (Humanoid, Felines, Osiris)

        • Brightest star in the Earth’s sky (original inhabitants come from Vega, Lyra 

      • Sirius B -  Aqua/Blue aura (Amphibians/Aquatic Beings)

      • Sirius C - Reptilians/Hybrid Beings 

    • They have a blue to yellow aura and the most grounding frequency out of all the starseeds.

    • Initiated the awakening of all human beings (said to have gave us ascended masters like Jesus and Mother Mary), primary influencer of ancient Egypt.

    • Sirians are mostly associated with the the throat chakra.

    • Key descriptive words - service to others, gifted, healers, responsible, practical, a little more serious

  • Pleiadian 

    • The Pleiades, also known as the 7 sisters, were developed after the war of Lyra and many Lyran refugees ended up there.

    • Pleiadians are highly evolved and most connected with earth humans as guides and teachers.

    • Very bright energy that is turquoise/blueish/green 

    • Open hearted heart chakra

    • Levity & lightness you don’t see with others 

    • Key descriptive words - bright light, empathy, optimism, love animals, don’t like routine, very creative, emotional healing support

  • Orion 

    • Orion souls are incredibly resourceful people, they like to work on things with their hands, fix things, etc.

    • Orions come from duality consciousness civilizations where there was a lot of war and resources were scarce so they are very adapt at dealing with stressors and making the best out of situations. It is also why they are so resourceful is that had a lot of lack and needed to make due.

    • These individuals are incredibly loving people, but have a denser energy field to them like other starseeds.

    • They possess a yellow/red aura aligned with root/sacra

    • Key descriptive words - optimism in the face of adversity, humor, ingenuity, comedians 

  • Arcturians (prevalent but not as common as the others)

    • Arcturus is the most advanced civilization in our galaxy. These beings live in the 5th dimension. Arcturians are known for highly evolved healing and has an angelic feeling to the realm. They are also the most emotionally and mentally advanced placing themselves in spiritual shamans or healer positions.

    • These souls often go to other planets to aid in supporting the evolution and frequency of that planet.

    • They can be very analytical and here on earth often work in science, but eventually leave go into a spiritual field.

    • Their aura is of a purplish/indigo associated with the crown and 3rd eye chakras.

    • They try their best to fit in and tend to be dorky or awkward.

    • Key descriptive words - Spiritual guidance, analytical, teacher

  • Andromeda Constellation

    • Andromedan starseeds aren’t looking to fit in, they can be very technical, and also struggle with communication because they were a loving benevolent telepathic race. 

    • Not every andromeda is a tech-head tho many love to work with energy than physical healings 

    • Their aura is cobalt/indigo blue aura and resonates with the higher chakras.

    • Key descriptive words - frequency navigators, technology innovators

  • Andromeda Galaxy (Messier 31)

There are countless starseed types and as I mentioned these ones tend to be the most predominant ones. While I think it's unqiue and interesting to learn our soul's history and where we originated from it's also important to remember we are having a human experience in this lifetime.

How can having this information help you? I personally believe it allows us to feel connected to something greater. Something we have always deeply felt, but never could full describe or allow ourselves to believe it.

Performing past life readings and working within the Akashic records allows me to see past lives and past life gifts as well as blocks and challenges. Remembrance is a beautiful thing. Have you ever seen videos of toddler's playing the piano like they've trained all their life? That is exactly what I am talking about. A beautiful remembrance of your gifts and incorporating them into your life.

What are some of whispers your soul has been telling you?

Sep 24

6 min read





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