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How intuitive coaching can lead you to your best self

Nov 4

7 min read




How did we get here?

Depending on who you ask, you will receive a different answer. As a human trait, we will always experience the world from our lens. Yet, never in humanity's history have we lived in a more connected age with an influx of people feeling disconnected. Individuality provides each person with a different experience as to why they're feeling disconnected. The ultimate reason is the expectation of how they think they will feel does not align with how they actually feel.

So how did this come to be? Conditioning and programming play a large part. Many individuals were sold a plan that they were told would work for them, only to realize that well into the plan, it is not working how they thought it would. For example, take College and Millennials. Millennials were instructed to go to college to have a successful career. Unfortunately, many people accrued large amounts of debt they need most of their lives to pay off and to work at a job not in their field of study.

A trend I have been seeing more often recently is people breaking free of the paradigm. People are recognizing that they were instructed in a plan that wasn't designed for them. They're saying I don't prescribe to this and creating their own reality. They go on to live authentic life to them such as a digital nomad, solopreneur, or creating meaningful hobbies, in their life.

There are so many paths and options to help you reach your ultimate goal.

How does someone create their own path leading them to fulfillment cut through the noise of all these accounts promising life with rose-colored glasses?

It begins with you and finding what I like to call your North Star. What lights you up? Maybe you love your job, but your romantic life needs a boost. Perhaps you're looking for what could inspire you and make you feel passion outside of a career and family life.

My biggest struggle was finding a career where I truly felt fulfilled. I want to feel like I am making a positive impact in my work. People are unique and so can their solutions. This is why individualized approaches often work best when someone is considering how to make the improvements they wish to see.

Steps people have taken

Ok! So we realized we had an issue. If you're like me perhaps you binged podcasts or audible books. Let's get old-fashioned and go to a bookstore and aim directly at the self-help aisle. These are all great low-cost options to begin chipping away at the problem.

Does it help? Sometimes. I have read phenomenal books that afforded me a new perspective. Then immediately after that, I read another one and another one slowly forgetting all the nuggets of what I initially digested.

I found those tips and tricks are a great way to get started, but how practical is it for long-term change? Are you implementing these new habits into your daily routine? Are we catching ourselves when we revert to limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, or comparing ourselves to others? Generally no. It takes 21 days to form a new habit and many of us become unsuccessful in long-term changes.

Change is simple yet incredibly hard. Why do you think so many professions offer this service? Let's take a professional trainer as an example. Those who have tried to lose weight or reach a physique goal but have not seen the results on their own will hire a personal trainer. Clients indicate they are finally ready to make the necessary changes and hold themselves accountable to someone else.

For individuals serious about change but haven't seen the results they desire on their own the most practical solution is hiring someone to support your goals. Think of it as a return on investment (ROI). An investment in yourself is the best investment money can buy.

How my intuitive coaching style can support you

There are multiple coaching styles to choose from, but I'm going to explain my style and why I prefer it. This is not to discredit other styles and if you feel pulled to a different approach you need to do what you want and what feels best.

At the end of the day, like all coaching programs, you are responsible for the transformation and change you see within yourself. No one person can transform you without your involvement, but with the proper tools, guidance, and mindset shifts coaching can be extremely beneficial.

My approach is a bit different than the standard life coaching programs though. I blend mindset, energy, and intuition. Since I work intuitively and can read energy this allows me to look at your goals and fears differently.

  • Where do your fears originate?

    • Is it societal programming?

    • Has it been conditioned since youth?

    • What if this fear is from a past life presenting itself in this lifetime?

  • What goals do you have?

    • Where are you now and where do you want to go?

    • How does this align with where your soul wants you to head?

I had a client come to me years ago inquiring about their clothing business and what the energy in the future looked like for them. Examining their energy I quickly realized the clothing business was a stepping stone for this individual to create a collective community where they held deep conversations, informative but fun classes, and a community hang-out space. Fast forward a few years later her vision is quickly corresponding more with this larger vision of what the soul wanted to build than the clothing business it started as.

Awaken, my signature coaching program is designed with the client in mind. A lot of the process is truly understanding where you are and where you want to go. I will work to help build, secure, and grow the foundation to get you to your goals.

The program is designed to work with mindset and energy. My goal is to alleviate energetic blocks throughout the process while creating a strategic plan that works for you to help you achieve your goals. By focusing on the following modalities it is designed to set you up with success, keep you accountable, and lead you to your most empowered and fulfilled life.

Energetic modalities I work with:

  • Akashic Records

    • The Akashic records hold our soul's journey from its inception. My work within the Akashic records goes deep. By working within your records I receive intuitive guidance of where your soul wants to head in this lifetime and what it has achieved in past lifetimes.

  • Breathwork

    • It is important to move stuck emotions and energy out of the body. One of the best ways to do this is through breathwork. I believe in working with my clients by providing them with multiple modalities to regulate their nervous system, enable them to center themselves, and aid them in finding mindfulness tactics to help manage stress and energy.

  • Energy Healings

    • As an intuitive healer, this is something I love. I love healing blockages, removing stuck energies, and raising your frequency. Through various modalities, I will be frequently clearing and healing energies for you.

  • Energy Readings

    • An energetic reading is included at the beginning of the program. I do this as a baseline to understand chakra blockages, innate gifts, and where your soul wants to go. It's not uncommon for your soul to speak to me and urge me towards a secret goal or desire you may always have had. Sometimes we just need encouragement and validation to get there!

    • Throughout the container, I will intuitively check in with your spirit team, higher self, and my intuitive guidance to check the energy of any topics you wish.

  • Meditation

    • Meditation is one of the best ways to teach us how to clear our minds and hear our inner voice. I want to set my clients up for success so that they understand how to receive and hear their intuitive guidance.

  • Past Life Healings

    • Past lives have a finicky way of bringing unresolved trauma, fear, or pain into our present life. By clearing the energies of these lives we make space for new energies.

    • Although they are not past lives, sometimes ancestral issues may arise which I can energetically heal too.

The mindset work we will focus on will be:

  • Boundaries

    • We all have boundaries and understanding each other before we get started helps us work together.

  • Deconditioning

    • Throughout our entire life, we have been programmed. These beliefs become ingrained in us, but they truly aren't ours. During our journey, we will identify what beliefs we truly believe and what ones it's safe to move away from. Deconditioning can take some time but it's incredibly valuable for our growth.

  • Discernment

    • By teaching my clients discernment I teach them to make decisions aligned with their goals and truth. A healthy level of discernment allows us to stop wasting time on tactics that don't equate to our long-term vision.

  • Fear

    • We all have them. By really understanding our fears we become more empowered and do not live unconscious

  • Self Limiting Beliefs

    • Some of this may be conscious and other parts may be unconscious but together we will work to explore.

  • Shadow Work

    • Dipping into the parts of ourselves that we don't like to acknowledge. Shadow work allows us to integrate the parts of ourselves we don't love for better self-acceptance and reduce self-sabotaging behaviors.

  • Self Sabotage

    • Learn how to spot self-sabotaging behaviors and navigate when they begin.

Awaken is a 3-month coaching container designed to take you from dullness to fluorescence. If you want that spark back this program is designed to empower you to lead a fulfilled life.

We begin with a 90-minute introductory call to establish your goals, boundaries, expectations, and complete intake questions. From there we move onto an energetic reading and dive into 1:1 personalized coaching sessions. Each client's coaching strategy for their goals is crafted for their individuality, energy, and goals.

I'm excited to create this space for those looking and ready for tangible change. Book your discovery call today!

**Disclaimer - Therapy and coaching are vastly different and it should be noted coaching is not a substitute for therapy. If you are experiencing mental health issues please do seek out a mental health professional to support you.  

Nov 4

7 min read





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