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"Intuition is the whisper of the soul"

- Jiddu Krishnamurti


My Journey

Hi!  I'm Kelly​​


It's a pleasure and a long time coming. You see​ ever since I can remember I've been called to the esoteric, paranormal, and occult. As I child I experienced ghosts, ESP experiences, and premonitions. Heck, I've made homemade pendulums and used them for guidance since the tender age of 7.


 Once I hit my late 20's my spiritual awakening really surged tossing me into the cosmic waters and there was no turning back. I was divinely led to Nikki Novo's Soul Reading Method program where I became a certified intuitive specialized reading energy, Akashic records, energetic healings, past lives, and discovered my own talents for mediumship.​


​It's a passion of mine understanding people and working with people to find the best version of themselves. I have an undergraduate degree in Psychology from the University of Tampa and a decade long career in sales. Making me uniquely positioned to work with clients, understanding goals, and strategizing best methods to get there.


Readings and healings offer the inner truth, often times things that we know ourselves, but provides the assurance and validation to walk the path we most desire. â€‹


I love the likes of divination, tarot, utilizing pendulums as well as Astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys, and more. I see how each modality and practices like somatic breathwork help us reconnect to ourselves.​


When I'm not focusing on the aforementioned above I enjoy spending time with my pup, traveling, and whatever crazy life adventure I can experience.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


  • Soul Reading Method, Nikki Novo

  • Reiki Level 1 

  • Galatic Akashic Records, Debbie Solaris

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